2025 McKibbon One Keynote Speakers



Chris Tuff is a bestselling author and highly sought after keynote speaker who has presented for Nike, Harvard, Delta, Verizon, Amazon and several other Fortune 100 companies. He began his career as a pioneer of the social media marketing space starting in 2006, becoming one of the first marketers to work directly with Facebook as well as helping them build many of their local-at-scale products for brands like Toyota.  

His first book, The Millennial Whisperer, is a USA Today bestseller and has gone on to sell more than 100k copies which explores the importance of empathy and relationships in the workplace, and it equips leaders with tools to attract and retain young talent through genuine connection.  

During the pandemic, Tuff shifted toward connections outside of organizations in writing his latest book, Save Your Asks. He’s interviewed some of the world’s greatest leaders and entrepreneurs and is publishing this handbook to equip everyone with the tools to become better salespeople and networkers through a focus on authenticity and connection. In this book, he highlights real world examples of “askholes” and such sales techniques as “shawshanking.” 

Chris is a graduate from Vanderbilt University and lives in Atlanta with his wife and two daughters. He loves kiteboarding, travel, and Jordan 1’s. 



Shola Richards is the CEO and Founder of Go Together GlobalTM, the best-selling author of Making Work Work, and Go Together, and he is a civility writer with a passionate worldwide following. His articles and extremely popular “Go Together Movement” email series have been read by readers in over 160 countries, and his work has been featured on the Today Show, CBS This Morning, Forbes, Black Enterprise, Complete Wellbeing India, Business Insider Australia, and in numerous other outlets all over the world who recognize him as an authority on workplace happiness and engagement. 

As a speaker, Shola has shared his transformative message with top universities, leading healthcare organizations, Silicon Valley, the motion picture industry, on the TEDx stage, and in his greatest honor to date, in September 2021, he was invited to testify in front of the House of Representatives on Capitol Hill to share his expert recommendations on how to bring more civility to Congress. 

Last, but certainly not least, Shola is a father, husband, identical twin, and a self-professed “kindness extremist” who will not rest until bullying and incivility is extinct from the American workplace. 


Shocked by the death of a close friend in his mid-twenties, Seb Terry experienced a moment in his life where he asked himself a simple question: 

‘Am I happy?’

The answer was NO, and so, he created a list of 100 things that he hoped would transform his life. Dropping everything to pursue his list, not only has Seb’s life transformed through his incredible journey, but the ripple effect has gone on to help millions of people unlock limitless possibilities in their own lives, too. 

From Marrying a Stranger in Vegas (Goal #2) and Delivering a Baby (#23), to Living on a Deserted Island for 1 Week (#63) and Helping a Stranger (#26) by aiding a quadriplegic man to complete a half marathon by pushing him in his wheelchair, Seb’s story has been turned into books, reality shows and is constantly featured by ESPN and Discovery Channel. 

As an expert in personal transformation, peak performance and creating environments for success, Seb's commitment to helping others, has seen him share his message and frameworks with many of the world’s biggest organizations including Google, Berkshire Hathaway, Bank of America and McKesson. 

Recognized for his unique approach in combining brilliant humor, piercing insight and real-time action, Seb’s revered storytelling and interactive teaching style has impacted millions of individuals and influenced thousands of organizations and Fortune 500 companies around the world. 



Valorie Burton, life strategist and international speaker, is CEO of the Coaching and Positive Psychology (CaPP) Institute. Her life-changing message has an intriguing, research-based emphasis in the pioneering field of applied positive psychology - the study of what happens when things go right with us. Her company provides coaching, coach training, and resilience training and has served clients in all 50 states and 37 countries on six continents. Since 1999, she has written 14 books translated into multiple languages, including Let Go of the Guilt, It's About Time, and Successful Women Think Differently. She has appeared regularly on the TODAY Show, CNN, Dr. Oz, and Essence, and has spoken for hundreds of organizations around the globe. She was named one of the top 60 motivational speakers in America and one of the Top 100 Thought Leaders in the field of personal development. For over 15 years, Valorie's books, speaking engagements, and coaching programs have helped people: - Make major life changes that are exciting and scary at the same time. - Be happier and have more fun, even when life seems routine. - Become strong leaders, navigate office politics, and achieve professional dreams. - Navigate setbacks and disappointments in a way that makes life better, not bitter. - Speak up with confidence rather than settling for less. - Go to sleep at night feeling at peace about decisions. - Conquer emotions that cause procrastination, emotional spending, and self-sabotage. She and her husband Jeff live on a ranch south of Atlanta with their children.