We are excited to spend a few fun-filled days with you in downtown Atlanta! The weather will likely be in the 60s-70s in April. Please see below for recommended conference attire to help you pack for your trip.

monday, april 14, 2025

Our Welcome Reception on Monday, April 14th is a McKIBBON RED themed gathering in the Dream Ballroom at the Signia Atlanta. You may wear red business casual attire or business casual attire with red accents/ accessories. McKibbon branded clothing is not required.



tuesday, april 15, 2025

For the daytime sessions and meals, the attire is BUSINESS CASUAL. Meeting rooms tend to be a little cooler, so bring layers if you get cold easily.

Our awards dinner on Tuesday, April 15th, is a special evening to celebrate our achievements and recognize our stand-out leaders. This event at the Fox Theatre will be AWARDS NIGHT FORMAL themed. Ladies, dress to impress with formalwear - gold & metallic hues are encouraged. Gentlemen, don your best suit, tie and dress shoes. Tuxedos are optional.



wednesday, April 16, 2025

On Wednesday, April 16th we will be participating in an interactive community service project. You will receive a new McKibbon shirt during the conference registration to wear with slacks or nice jeans on this day. Sneakers are acceptable for the community service event. Please wear your McKibbon shirt to the general session that morning.  

We’ll close out the conference on Wednesday evening with a Rock n’ Roll themed event - McKIBBON ONE ROCKS at Mercedes Benz Stadium Delta Club, featuring live entertainment, lots of dancing, and fun. Channel your inner rock star with your favorite concert tee. Elevate your look with a leather jacket, ripped jeans and bold accessories.



thursday, april 17, 2025

The last day of the conference is also a travel day so please dress comfortably. BUSINESS CASUAL attire is permitted and we encourage you to wear your McKibbon swag.